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Gianni Di Marco


Gianni Di Marco joined the Conservatory in 2006 as an instructor in partnering and advanced ballet technique, and is a professor of dance. He also teaches somatic and advanced partnering repertoire. In 2016, he started Step by Step!, a dance program for children with autism. Di Marco began his dance career with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, where he was promoted to first soloist. He has also performed with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal, Opera Leipzig Ballet, Boston Ballet, Festival Ballet Providence, and Tony Williams Dance Company. His roles include Romeo and Mercutio in Rudi van Dantzig’s Romeo and Juliet and pas des deux in Petipa’s Don Quixote, as well as works by Balanchine, Nacho Duato, J. Kylián, Hans van Manen, Cranko, Danny Pelzig, and others. Di Marco has choreographed more than 50 original works, including Muñecas (2009), On the Brink (2007), and In the Window (2012) for Boston Conservatory, La Rondine (2003) for the Boston Lyric Opera, and Orpheus (2012) for Boston Baroque. He has created works for Boston Ballet, including The Nutcracker (1996), Dance on the Top Floor (1998), Raw Dance (2002-2005), and various gala balls (1999-2016), as well as multiple works for Festival Ballet, including Lady of the Camellias (2016), Scheherazade (2005), and El Amor Brujo (2009). Di Marco has been teaching ballet and movement to children and adults since 2000. In addition to Boston Conservatory, he has taught at Boston Ballet Center for Dance Education, Harvard University, University of South Carolina, and Walnut Hill School for the Arts. He was the principal of Citydance, a Boston Public Schools outreach program. In 2002, he founded Adaptive Dance with Michelina Cassella, a program for children with Down syndrome and autism, at Boston Ballet Center for Dance Education. Di Marco is a graduate of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. He has studied with the National Ballet of Cuba and the National Ballet of Canada. He has completed Cecchetti certification (intermediate level), certification for Gyrotonic® and Gyrokinesis®, and certification for Burdenko water therapy.

Professional Awards and Recognitions

  • Outstanding Dance Faculty of the Year (Boston Conservatory, 2012)

  • Acknowledgement for Artistic Accomplishment in Dance (BCA, 2004)

  • E. Virginia Williams Inspiration Award (2002)

  • Best Dance Partner (Helsinki Ballet Competition, 1991)

  • Arnold Spohr Scholarship recipient (1988)

Recent Engagements

  • Lady of the Camellias (Festival Ballet Providence, 2016)—Choreographer

  • Le Bal Epoque (Boston Ballet Ball, 2016)—Choreographer

  • The Firebird (Cambridge Symphony Orchestra, 2016)—Choreographer, performer

  • Swan Lake (Festival Ballet Providence, 2016)—Performer

  • Dance Medicine Symposium (Boston Children's Hospital, 2015)—Presenter

"Ik heb zelden iemand gezien die op zo'n positieve en zorgzame manier zoveel uit zijn deelnemers kon halen. De leraar zorgde ervoor dat ze hun grenzen overlegden, het was ongelooflijk!"

Julie, ouder

Antwerpen, België

"Ik vond het zo leuk om te dansen en nieuwe vrienden te maken!

Ik mocht dansen, drummen en mijn ouders laten zien wat we deden! Ik kijk er naar uit om terug te gaan!"

Jamie, deelnemer


"Professioneel, zorgzaam en inspirerend.

We waren diep onder de indruk!

De stage maakte een blijvende indruk op onze zoon."

Paulo, ouder

Amsterdam, Nederland

"Mijn zoon vertelt me dat hij volledig zichzelf kan zijn. Elke dag verlaat hij de les met een grote glimlach. Ik heb hem zelfverzekerder en sterker zien worden.


Maria, ouder

Parijs, Frankrijk

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